
Last updated - 15 Nov 2021

The Doge Pound artwork initially originated from a vision to combine the love of dogs with an already thriving Dogecoin community. The long-term focus was on building a highly engaged and supportive community. We believe that a team focused on building a stronger community and not just profitability, is destined to succeed.

Soon, we realised that we evolved into a unique community of supportive, talented and crypto savvy holders. Since then, we have been focusing on delivering immense value to every Doge Pound community member through various initiatives, including our upcoming collections, the LaunchPad, mobile app and much more.

We are gradually turning The Doge Pound brand into an incubator for successful, high growth NFT projects through our LaunchPad. We are passionate about making a real difference in this world. In pursuit of that, we have commenced our journey towards building one of the biggest shelter houses for dogs in Africa as part of our Social Responsibility Initiatives.

And most importantly, we know how to have fun!

Last updated